Here’s to the dads who don’t babysit,⁣

they parent.⁣

They help with the cooking, scramble eggs, and make chocolate chip pancakes on weekend mornings.⁣

They load and unload the dishwasher and help fold and put away laundry.⁣

They apply sunscreen and help rub it in on arms, legs, and faces at the park.⁣

They play dress-up, paint nails, and kiss dolls and stuffies goodnight.⁣

They come home ready to tackle bedtime, reading books and jumping through the bedtime hoops. Or they stay home and take care of the kids so mom can go out and work.⁣

They discipline when necessary because they care about the humans their children will become.⁣

They trip over something and pick it up instead of leaving it on the floor for mom.⁣

They remember vitamins and morning medications for their kids.⁣

They grab the diaper bag to give mom’s back a break.⁣

They’re present and engaged in their kids’ lives,⁣

a shoulder to lean on,⁣

a safe place to turn for advice.⁣

They support mom’s passions outside of motherhood.⁣

They are true partners.⁣

And they show up with so much love.⁣

Here’s to the dads who don’t babysit,⁣

they parent.⁣

: This Mama Doodles