Maybe being messy is the best way to mother. ⁣

Because sometimes, in the fast-paced life that’s being a mom, we don’t have time for that load of laundry, so we leave it.⁣

We don’t have the energy to pick up the mess of toys on the playroom floor AGAIN, so we leave them.⁣

And you know what? That’s okay.⁣

Because it’s okay to 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 in our house with our kids.⁣

The same bedrooms with unmade beds also had all our children sleeping safe and sound with our minds at ease the night before.⁣

The same playroom where we can't find the floor because it's so cluttered with toys is filled with so much laughter and imagination as our family plays for hours.⁣

Our kid's bath toys left on the bathtub floor after the water drained is evidence of the time smiling and splashing around.⁣

The kitchen may be covered in muffin crumbs, and the sink filled with bowls, but those dirty dishes helped us make a special breakfast of Mickey Mouse pancakes.⁣

And most of the time, we’re inside out by the end of the day. Some days we’re close to tears. Others, we count down the hours until bedtime. We’re a mess of emotions, but we’re also filled with so much love.⁣

So, let’s stop apologizing for our messy lives.⁣

Because we should never apologize for a home that’s been 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 in with the people we love,⁣

or the imperfect life that goes with it.⁣

Instead, let them come over and LIVE with us.⁣

They WILL feel the love.

: @livingfullaftered