Stop expecting women to have babies, then also expecting them to look like they did before they had babies.

Our bodies change enormously when we grow life.

Our organs play musical chairs.

Our skin stretches.

Our breasts grow and shrink.

Our nipples get bitten.

Our hair falls out.

Then apparently we need to ‘fix’ our bodies because they no longer look like they did, and god forbid we accept that change.

Creams, surgery, pills, treatments, uncomfortable shrink wrapping undies…

I’m not sure who started these unrealistic beauty expectations, but I’m not going to sit down quietly while influencers and marketing companies shit on us while profiting on our insecurities.

So your stomach is a little stretched and wrinkly? You grew life! You literally grew a human in your stomach. Sometimes two at a time. Or three or four. That itself is the miracle! Not the ‘miracle cream’ a company or influencer has convinced you to buy because they’ll make some money off your insecurity.

Your skin is CLEVER . It stretched because IT HAD TO.

I hope one day in the future, the world accepts that bodies change and doesn’t consider it a flaw.

Grow that life mama, your body is still perfect.

#embraceyourbeauty #bodychanging #mamabody #beproudofyourself #ladk

Text by @Katie B