"October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and so I am sharing this poem for all and any of your angels born sleeping, no matter what gestation... E

“This one’s for all those mourning:

All the babies that have gone.

Tragic losses, ever cherished:

They must be reflected on.

‘I’ve just had a baby’,

But there’s no baby in my arm?

I’m numb with pain and filled with grief.

My baby’s come to harm.

Be it near the start or further on,

Gestation does not matter.

For once we see those 2 straight lines,

We foresee that pitter patter

of tiny feet, and, just like that,

we plan our lives with them.

From conception, all our hopes and dreams,

for their future does stem.

So, when a loved one loses

their adored, beloved baby,

Let them weep and sit with you.

Don’t try to tell them ‘maybe

your body isn’t ready yet’, Or

‘at least you weren’t further gone’,

For that does not offer solace,

On the road they embark on.

Say: ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’

And that they did nothing wrong.

Tell them you’ll be there for them,

On this road, however long.

Do not minimise their loss,

Lend a non-judgemental ear.

For often, in this time of grief,

They’ll just want to know you’re heren.

Maria Tempany (Therhymingone)