I'll Come To You When You Call

I sleep on the surface now

And I’ll come to you when you call

My tired eyes adjust to the dark

You’re a baby after all

And even when you’re not

I’ll come to you when you cry

When you’re standing, calling from your cot

There will be no question why

And when you’re in a bigger bed

And calling down the hall

If monsters find you in your dreams

I’ll come to you when you call

And when you’re staying at your friends

If you suddenly feel alone

I’ll come to you when you call

And I’ll bring us both back home

And if the night should take a turn

No matter what you’ve done

I’m here, I’m here, I’m always here

I’ll always be your mum

There are no limits, or confines

No schedules, and no rules

If you need me, I’ll be there

I’ll come to you when you call

And when you have a family

Through all the highs and lows

I’ll come to you when you call

Please just pick up the phone

But for now I'll hold you in the night

You’re still so very small

I hope you know, I'll always show

Because I come to you when you call. 

Words: Jess Urlichs, Writer 

Art: Art by Chloe Trayhurn