Husband, I take you...

I take you to be my partner in this adventure called life, and now called parenting.

I take you in good times, and when the kids are being buttholes and we spend the evening breaking up constant bickering, wrestling, and furniture overturning.

When the sink is empty, and when it looks like we hosted our entire extended family for Thanksgiving (which I never want to host, btw).

I take you when the kids have a good day at school, and when we both get called in for an emergency parent teacher meeting that we are absolutely clueless as to what it's about but know it can't be good.

I take you when one of us winds up sleeping in one of the kids rooms while the other gets to catch up on Netflix. Or when we have two little rascals filling the middle space in our bed and start kicking and squirming in their sleep.

And you take me...

You take me when I'm a powerhouse mama who juggles everything like a boss and when I'm hangry and a passive aggressive b*tch.

You take me when I'm dolled up and feeling good, and when I'm braless, shower-less and unshaven. And a million percent #notsorry.

You take me when I carry enough weight for the both of us, and when I cave in and disappear into a grief stricken, depressed state and just need to be alone.

You take me when I'm playful and flirty and teasing, and when I squirm at your touch and press myself as far away form you on the bed as possible.

You take me and I take you. And some days are happy and some days suck. And we take all of it.... together. And I don't want to do this life with anyone else.

I do.

I still do.

I will keep saying "I do."


Art by Amanda Oleander Art.