There is a Mother somewhere, whose grown child lives on the other side of the world, she holds them in her heart because of the distance between their arms.

There is a Mother somewhere, whose baby won’t stop crying, they want to be held, fed to sleep, they need her so much and all she wants is a moment alone.

There is a Mother somewhere who has a child that may never say the word, ‘mama’, she’s faced more challenges than imaginable, and dreams of that sound often.

There is a Mother somewhere who has heard the word, “mummy” on repeat, she’s touched out, it’s all so loud, and she’s desperate for a moment of silence.

There is a Mother somewhere awake, tip toeing out the door of the nursery, her tears not long dried, she dreams of sleep, she adores her baby and still thinks back to those carefree days sometimes.

There is a Mother somewhere awake, who hears tip toeing down the hallway because her teenager got in late, she loves watching them grow, but she thinks back to the days they were little and climbing into her bed for cuddles.

There is a Mother somewhere, her house is full of noise and mess, lived in and loved.

There is a Mother somewhere, her house is clean and silent, and memories hang on the walls.

There is a Mother somewhere telling her children about when they were little.

There is a Mother somewhere asking her own mother, what was it like?

Its heart achingly beautiful, and sometimes, a beautiful heart ache.

If she tells you this is incredible, the best thing she’s ever done, believe her. 

If she tells you this is hard, the hardest thing she’s ever done, believe her.

Words: Jess Urlichs  

Art: Art by Chloe Trayhurn