On Labor Day we celebrate

The hard work we all do

But there's a group that often gets missed

And they deserve recognition too

Moms who work full-time at home

Raising children day by day

It's a job that never ends

And often they don't get much say

From changing diapers to cooking meals

To helping with homework at night

Moms work tirelessly around the clock

To make sure their children are alright

They sacrifice their own careers

To give their children the best start

And though it's a thankless job at times

Their love and dedication never depart

So on this Labor Day let's take a moment

To honor these moms who give their all

For being a mom is a full-time job

And their hard work deserves a standing ovation, a standing call

Thank you, moms, for all that you do

For the sacrifices you make every day

You are the backbone of our society

And we are grateful for you in every way.

Les Astuces de Karen
