Thank you, to the teachers

who work harder than we see

always finding ways

to turn learning into glee

thank you, to the teachers

who see faces in their heads

as they try to close their eyes

and put their busy brain to bed

thank you, to the teachers

who hold all those faces dear

little faces full of worry

small faces full of fear

thank you, to the teachers

who note what others don’t

the reason for the shyness

and the sad behind the ‘won’t’

thank you, to the teachers

who face the clock each day

that balance between time

and the urge to stop and play

thank you, to the teachers

we are grateful for this start

please know, you’ve a forever home

in so many children’s hearts.

Donna Ashworth

#teachergiftidea #teacherpoem #endoftermgift #teachers #students #parents